The girls were unhappy I had chased them out of the garden area today. We finished fencing & put a gate at the entrance by my potting bench and thats the end where their studio also is, and easy access to give them garden clippings as the vegetables begin to grow. We have to keep them out now that we are ready to plant potatoes, beets, peppers, peas. They will get plenty of the garden goodies as I weed and
they have plenty of area to roam & snatch up those yummy bugs & grubs chickens love. The earthworms in the garden are mine for now. As you can see 3 left and headed out to the field next door and these three hung around just incase mama left the gate open.. Sorry chickies "It's just Not happening".
The Best Visit
5 hours ago
Beautiful chickens!
Lookin' good. Now the fun will begin. At least in a couple of weeks when we no longer will frost.
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