Blue Sky Farm

My blogging posts and photos are part of me . I think of this as a scrapbook of my life. The names have not been changed.. they are real people who have crossed my path along my journey. Some I know intimately, my family and friends. If their names are mentioned it's a sure sign they are special to me and I love them dearly...come along see for yourself, perhaps you know some of them too..

May 11, 2011

New girls will share the coop

And then there were 7.. hens.
 Today I brought the babies home from Gail's. They look so cute. Growing quite quickly.
As you can see here are two of the 3 older hens,  wondering where these babies came from ..
Tonight  they will share their space.
I am sure a pecking order will be re-established.  Two more months and we can start seeing the new hens laying... I hope.

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