Flank steak is best when it has a bright, red color. Because it comes from a strong, well-exercised part of the cow, it is best prepared when cut across the grain. Additional tenderness can be added by marinating the meat in a tenderizing liquid, including acids like tomato-based products, lemon juice, wine, vinegar, pineapple or ginger.
Make your favorite marinade recipe:
Place Flank steak in an Oblong dish a bit larger than the size of flank steak pour over the steak your marinade and cover with plastic wrap or a lid. Leave it on the counter for 8-10 hours. Pierce evenly and turn every hour or so. Flipping the steak between rest periods.
Place on Hot BBQ grilling each side about 6-7 minutes. Cut the flank steak on the bias andd serve hot.