YAY! I have been waiting patiently to announce that
We are going to be grandparents again!!
Our daughter Nancy and her husband Simon are expecting their first baby! Nancy has a son.. Oh My .. Jacob will be 23 this year! These things happen right? A total surprise for us all.
We are all over the moon... Its been nearly 5 years since our sweet "Charlie"was born...to our son Dennis his wife Michelle. Now Pj and the boys can have another baseball player or football player coming up in the ranks. maybe.. but don't want to get ahead of our game.. Our only granddaughter Kandace Dennis' first child is 25 in a couple weeks.. just thinking about this makes me feel old... I was there when she was born... My OH My.. Life sure makes us think about our blessings.. and We have plenty to be thankful for.
So as the babe develops so will my updates.. What great News to share...