I have a few to be mailed and those are ready to take to the post office.
Some we will deliver in person. That's always fun..
and when the postage gets a bit pricey, I have those shipped by the services offered when I buy online.
I have been making my Christmas card list, and gift lists for family & friends & I am happy to report I am ahead of the game for a change. Yeah!
I do have some shopping to complete but I know what I am getting so that makes it easy.
I plan to spend a few days in the kitchen preparing some gifts.. Don't you just love homemade
gifts?. I think there will be a lot of "Love "flowing from my kitchen in the next couple weeks..
I also will be busy getting ready for the" Charming Chicks Farm girls" Get together is next Saturday..
The decorating is almost done..(I Still have to get fresh fir boughs for the porch railing) and want the inside to smell of Christmas too, so I will be buying more candles Spicy Cranberry, Pine & Vanilla are my favorites... Oh what fun!
Now, I need to go find Santa and give him my list... and Yes, I have been pretty good... Most of the year!