The 30th Annual Klamath Wingfest
February 13, 14, 15th
Clay & I will try to attended this event today or tomorrow.
We do enjoy seeing these birds as we take day trips around the Klamath Basin. Just another advantage to living here in the Klamath Basin.
Located in both south central Oregon and northern California, the Basin is a key player on the Pacific Flyway, hosting 80 percent of the birds that use the Flyway. A total of six separate nearby refuges comprise the total National Wildlife Refuge complex spanning nearly 200,000 acres. A unique, strong cooperative partnership between farming, water resources, and the refuges provides an abundance of food and water that attracts vast numbers of waterfowl and raptors.
Over 350 species call this major Pacific flyway layover home…
From November through February over 500 bald Eagles-the largest concentration in the lower 48 states winter in the Klamath basin.
Over 350 species call this major Pacific flyway layover home…
From November through February over 500 bald Eagles-the largest concentration in the lower 48 states winter in the Klamath basin.