The days are flying by. I don't know where the week has gone..Thanksgiving Day is coming in only 4 days. My family will be here..Well part of them will be here. Son & his wife & "baby Charlie" will not be joining us this year in person but for sure in spirit.
We have ordered the turkey( picking it up tomorrow). Today I made two pumpkin pies, finished another batch of beef jerky and a small batch of peanutbutter fudge, shopped for the makings for the rest of our feast. Now we have a few things to complete here on the farm. We probably won't get the chicken house finished this week but I am crossing my fingers that we do and hoping for no snow just yet.
I have a quilting class tomorrow afternoon to break up my cleaning day. Must vacumn the whole house, clean the bathrooms, and mop the kitchen floor and rearrange my sewing room. It will be a sleeping room for the" little guys." while they are here. Hang fresh towels & check for extra blankets, It's getting cold here at night.
Drag out the Christmas tree & decorations so the families can help put up the tree and hang the outside lights as well the day after Turkey day.
Oh yes, I must bake a white vanilla cake w/ chocolate frosting for my daughters 40th birthday next week. It is her special request and of course she can have it. After all she is my #1 daughter *(a Note to daughter #2...PJ... "Nancy was born first".) My sweet daughters have always had an ongoing debate about "who I like best." You would think they were competative or something wouldn't you? Pj's special day is coming too January 5th. I wonder what her request will be?
So another Sunday comes to the end, and it has been a productive week. I think that means it's the end of the week for me because I am not ready to begin the new one.
February in Photos
4 days ago