Blue Sky Farm

My blogging posts and photos are part of me . I think of this as a scrapbook of my life. The names have not been changed.. they are real people who have crossed my path along my journey. Some I know intimately, my family and friends. If their names are mentioned it's a sure sign they are special to me and I love them dearly...come along see for yourself, perhaps you know some of them too..

August 5, 2009

Entertaining the boys

They arrived and we had a few surprises for them. One being they got to paint the family picnic table. Quite a project and it turned out pretty darn good. Mom (Pj ) & I stand watching the young artists at work. Peyton 8 and Mason 6 added their signatures to the finished work. Tomorrow we go to the fair, ( the poor chickens & Buster need a few hours of peace & quiet,) Mason wanted to know if he could "watch the chickens lay their eggs" Of course we said sure....thinking that will keep him in one place for awhile...... But he couldnt wait in the coop for more than 5 minutes, quickly he joined his brother to racing each other in the driveway on their scooters. Grandpa Clay will accompany us tomorrow for sure, since it was his idea.... These kids take a lot of energy, and this grandma is trying hard to keep up.....More pictures to follow....