Here they are at 2, 5 and 6 years old... Oh My! Where has the time gone.. Since it is Christmas I had to post this. It is one of my favorite pictures...
They have grown to be very responsible, respectful , compassionate and productive adults.
Dennis is my oldest, He is one of the best Children and Adult Comedian Entertainers in Colorado. Look for will find his business at Dennis Michael's Comedy Magic Show he married to Michelle Goodman VanderHouwen, she is one of Colorado's best artists see her work @ Paint Decor and he has two children Alex Vander Houwen age 23 and Charles 3 yrs.
Nancy is a project manager working abroad in Australia for the Boeing Company. Married to Simon Cook * also with the Boeing company and living and working in Australia, she has a son Jacob Boucher 21 yrs. You may also know her now as Self Care Girl on Facebook.
Paula (PJ ) is a certified teacher in Yakima.Currently she is substitute teaching. She has 3 sons Alex Ziegler 18years Peyton 10 years and Mason 9 . She is very involved in her sons sports programs as Player Agent for East Valley Little League and Head Coach for East Valley Youth Football.
Yes I am very proud of who these people have become....
Butterflies from hexies
2 days ago