Blue Sky Farm

My blogging posts and photos are part of me . I think of this as a scrapbook of my life. The names have not been changed.. they are real people who have crossed my path along my journey. Some I know intimately, my family and friends. If their names are mentioned it's a sure sign they are special to me and I love them dearly...come along see for yourself, perhaps you know some of them too..

March 27, 2011

Taking advice from my daughter

They say that we can learn a lot from our children. She is now grown up and has a lot of Self Care suggestions as a true advocate for taking care of yourself.  She is  my oldest daughter.   I am so very proud of her accomplishments . Please check out this site if you haven't already..

Here's a treat for us to try: ( taken from her site)

Chocolate Lover's Milk Bath Mix
2 cups powdered milk
1/4 cup cocoa
2 tablespoons cornstarch
optional: 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Mix together all ingredients and place in a pretty glass jar (be sure to tie it with a pretty pink bow!).
Add a half cup to your next bath.

Take a moment and set the atmosphere - one does not just JUMP into a tub of chocolate without a few preparations!

Here are a few tips for getting the senses primed and making the most of your bathing experience:

  • Turn off the lights and light some candles (might want to light the candles first, actually)
  • Play some soft music
  • Dine on strawberries and a glass of wine
  • Inhale the chocolately bath goodness (in with the good chocolat-scented air....out with bad with the good chocolat-scented air...)
  • Relax. 
  • Feel fabulous.
 Follow up with your favorite scented lotion (Doesn't coconut body lotion sound good about now?)

  If you like what you read add it to you favorites and be sure to leave her a comment. She loves hearing from readers.
Now have a great day!  

March 24, 2011

In search of the sun...

Get ready, Get set,  Go..  Finally,  we are taking our first  extended camping  road trip next week. I am so ready to find drier and  much warmer climate.  Hopefully this is the perfect answer to my winter blahs! We will looking for great photo opportunities and camping in our new camper along the journey. I must find my summer clothes and pack for a couple weeks. Do you want to follow me as I keep a travel journal and post pictures.  Don't forget to pack your  swimming suit. and a few quarters if you want to play the slot machines along the way. I know Lake Mead is gorgeous!

March 15, 2011

A kid and a hose

Here he is have fun with the hose..... Adorable had to post it.. He is nearly 2 1/2 and I can't wait to see him in April at Easter time when I get to spend some one on one time with him and his daddy while his mommy is on a girl trip to the east coast.
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March 13, 2011

Feeling under the weather......

I found this photo image and it describes exactly how I am feeling this week.. just plain Yukky! The weather isn't helping as its dreary and wet/snow/rain  and windy and cloudy and gray and will be for the entire coming week. I 'm sneezing coughing  and have no energy to do anything. I am curling up in a big chair with a book and taking naps, drinking fluids, hopefully resting my poor body back to a better me....and awaiting a  brighter day. This will pass, I am sure.,....I will be back posting by next week I hope... I wish the sun would at least shine *That always helps boost my mood.... Good thing I have nothing pressing to do this week.. Ahhhhchooooo! Pass the Kleenex please!

March 8, 2011

Spare time & Great shots

Clay & I have thoroughly enjoyed taking pictures  of eye catching scenes and stuff...These Photos are  from the land and sea. First picture is of small tide pool along the sea shore.

The second one is of a hillside that is eroding from rain water run off.

and  the flower is an ice plant a succulent on a beach trail.

We love taking photos along paths we take on our day trips. We don't always know where those will take us or when, but  really like the adventures and plan to take many journeys this Spring so come along with me while I capture Nature at its best.  

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March 7, 2011

Home with the girls...

I am  home!  I missed my blogging friends and thought of  you as I drove home. I returned yesterday.
 I have not been near my computer for two weeks. I must say I was most relieved to drive on wet bare highway the entire trip of 550 miles. First thing after kissing my husband hello and petting Buster was to check on my girls.. they, I am sure missed me too...Well maybe not) but I really am glad to be home.. My mom is feeling better and hopefully she can come visit in a couple months when the weather is nicer. I visited with my sister and also my two daughters and a friend while away. I had hoped to find sunshine and warmer temperature here but it is still winter.. ugh! The sun is shining a few minutes today and then tiny snow flakes are mixed with rain in those not so fluffy white clouds, but the day still looks pretty and I was able to take a short walk about the farm before it started getting chilly.. I am in now for the afternoon and have corned beef cooking in the kitchen for dinner... now perhaps I can squeeze in a short nap..