As long as we have lived here at BlueSkyFarm, (this is our third summer.) I still feel amazed when I see the wildlife that resides here and the many migrating birds that stop to drink from our small pond. The deer are my favorite I think.
This morning as I sat on the front patio I was greeted with a pair of does and their fawns grazing just to the side of the pond. By the time I got my camera, One mama & her baby wandered into the near by juniper trees, but I did get this photo of the other pair.
Yesterday, we spotted this Egret perched absove the pond where it ate small fish that swim in the water. It is a great place here, just to sit quietly and enjoy our small piece of Heaven dont you think?
February in Photos
4 days ago
I totally agree!! I've been here 9 years and I'm also in awe of the wildlife.
The eagles over the river is my favorite!
The only time I get upset with the deer is when they start to go into my chicken house to eat their food.
We had a baby deer in our yard for a couple of weeks. So much fun watching him grow. Last week we had a skunk, not so much fun.
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