Blue Sky Farm

My blogging posts and photos are part of me . I think of this as a scrapbook of my life. The names have not been changed.. they are real people who have crossed my path along my journey. Some I know intimately, my family and friends. If their names are mentioned it's a sure sign they are special to me and I love them dearly...come along see for yourself, perhaps you know some of them too..

March 27, 2013

YAY! I have been waiting patiently to announce that
We are going to be grandparents again!!
Our daughter Nancy and her husband Simon  are expecting their first baby!  Nancy has a son..  Oh My .. Jacob will be  23 this year!   These things happen right?  A total surprise for us all.
We are all over the moon... Its been nearly 5 years  since  our sweet "Charlie"was our son Dennis his wife  Michelle.   Now Pj and the boys can have another baseball player or football player coming up in the ranks. maybe.. but don't want to get ahead of our game.. Our only granddaughter Kandace Dennis' first child  is 25 in  a couple weeks.. just thinking about this makes me feel old... I was there when she was born... My OH My.. Life sure makes us think about our blessings.. and  We have plenty to be thankful for.
So as the babe develops  so will my updates..  What great News to share...


March 16, 2013

Spoiled by Spring like weather

It is still too early to plant but I am really itching to get staarted. My first step is to go to Bend Oregon Monday with mt friend Leslie to a couple Nurseries do some windowshopping and have a nice lunch.
I have plans to make a cold frame to put outside the garden shed.. and  my husband has built me a folding taable for starting my seedlings. I bought apackage of organic lettuce this morning and will start those soon.  The weather has been in the 60's this whole week and the night temps are hovering around freezing still.. so I need to prepare for this as I plant.
HAve you been able to start planting? I am really thinking Spring!