Blue Sky Farm

My blogging posts and photos are part of me . I think of this as a scrapbook of my life. The names have not been changed.. they are real people who have crossed my path along my journey. Some I know intimately, my family and friends. If their names are mentioned it's a sure sign they are special to me and I love them dearly...come along see for yourself, perhaps you know some of them too..

June 27, 2011

Time to Decorate for that"Curb Appeal"...

 Preparing for the Fourth of July a bit late but still the driveway  and patio welcome our visitors, family, neighbors and friends. What will you be doing this Holiday? We had planned to go camping but now will perhaps take a drive, have a picnic and watch the fireworks from the lake. I love being able to decorate the Gate and front  patio of Blue Sky Farm for each holiday as it happens, it really makes me feel good when I look out there and see the decorations.We enjoy breakfast and coffee every morning sitting out  on the patio.  I call it my "spirit lifter." when I am feeling not so cheery... it seems to work!..

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June 25, 2011

Pictures from Washington

On the way to take my Mom home,  (She was here only a week. and had some blood pressure issues so I took her home to her cardiologist) I managed to captured this great barn scene

I love the barns and have several pictures previously posted.  This one falls into the favorite file.

The trip was a long  yet beautiful one this time of the year.  Along with this picture is a shot of my Grandson Alex and his first car.I was shutter bugging and captured these other shots of my iris  in the back yard finally bloomed and Mt.McLaughlin. I wish My mom had felt better before we took her home,  so we could have spent more time together this trip. She has seen her cardiologist and is getting stronger each day.

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June 12, 2011


SURPRISE TWINS!! I have been watching this  mama pacing all day in the field above our  house.. Through the binoculars  and  now there are three.. Adorable twins!

Just born tonight about 5:30pm.

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Mama & 10 New Babies

We were delighted to see our wild mama mallard yesterday swimming on the pond with her new babies. They are so cute.. ( We haven't seen daddy with her since these have hatched.) We are happy she and daddy have returned yet another year to lay their eggs & enjoy our company as we spend a lot of time watching & feeding them. This is the 4th year they have returned to our pond. It brings a smile to my face every time I see them... ahhh Spring time is finally here...

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June 10, 2011

Let Summer begin....

Alex's Graduation Ceremony over, home now with my mom here visiting,  A few family Birthdays. Father's Day coming this month and We have many things planned for good weather.. starting with planting the garden. 
  Clay doing the hard part.. preparing the space.and  the chickens have found the worms.. Here is one of  our new  "babies" loving the tasty treats.

We see some competition also in the yard here.. I know the quail can't  take ownership of this home... the  guard is at the door... we are sure there are eggs inside. Perhaps these birds know something we don't. Or  the quail was getting a "birds eye view" of  his own nest.
Today we will plant the potatoes and  beets & beans..Pictures will follow of the work accomplished. Make your weekend a great one...

June 3, 2011

Graduating class 2011

Tomorrow night I will be in Yakima. My second oldest grandson will be   graduating from High School. remember so well the day he was born. Time flies when we are so busy with our lives doesn't  it? I hopefully will have a picture to post of him. Funny I will be celebrating my 45th year since graduating high school  myself this year.. OMG that makes me feel really old...